Things to Remember Before Going for Teaching in China

So if you have decided your future as a teacher in china. Well decided, but many other important things should be done before your dream comes into reality. There is a simple checklist of all important activities that helps you to keep updated.

1.    Get done with TEFL certificate – 
China govt has already taken strict steps, by deporting unregistering teachers. To find a legal way to work in china, you should have a four-year degree from college and a TEFL certificate. These are the basic criteria or teaching in China.  Now put your attention on the TEFL programmer and choose a convenient program.

2.    Search a job – once you get done with your TEFL certificate, you can search for online jobs. Either you can do one more thing, show up in china without a job and start making contacts. This is also a good idea even you can check the school or colleges where you are going to teach.

3.    Save for the future – you will have to start saving money before the month you leave. This may happen if your company wants you to purchase your plane ticket. There would be many extra expenses that you have to bear. Many Chinese `apartments are not done with all supplies like bedding, kitchen, some homey items. It’s best if you prepare yourself before the surprise. At least if the situation turns like this, you should have a backup.

4.  Complete all legal work with visas - if you want to be on the fair side while working in china, then complete this important step for the working visa. It will take a few days. Either you can consult with the visa service company.   
5.  Don’t forget to buy VPN – most of the Google sites are blocked in China. Surviving without the internet is not possible. So make sure you will buy a VPN to continue your social accounts or internet services. China doesn’t allow any network with the word Google.

6.  Prior shopping is better to do – we always heard that china is too cheap, but not to true. Unfortunately, clothes and shoes are more expensive in China. So stock up all the needed clothes before you leave.

7.    Practice English – so you have already decided to work as an English teacher in China. Better to practice English before. Your grammar should be highly specified and with very fewer errors.

8.    Download all the applications- we chat become your all-time partner in china. That allows you to join chat groups, share a document, share money, etc.

9.  Don’t forget to visit your doctor – before you leave for China don’t forget to visit the doctor, and check is there any need for the prescriptions. Rather you can get any type of medical help from the hospitals of china Thus these all are important things that should be consider before you leave for China. Teaching in China is neither that easy nor difficult. Keep these points as a reminder and get ready for the new adventure of life.
