Teach English China: Earn a wage while seeing the world

The language may not be the official language of the country, but in the current scheme of things, the Chinese population is showing an increasing urge to learn English. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the market related to the learning of this foreign language is growing at a rapid pace. The reasons for it are not difficult to understand. The country happens to be on the fast track of development, and it is emerging as one of the leading financial forces. English, as you know, has a firm footing as a recognized language of trade and commerce, all the world over. 

The relevance of the language

On account of the language’s importance, the world over, the country’s government has also been focusing on improving its competence amongst the Chinese population. So, if the language happens to be your mother tongue, you have good reasons to Teach English in China. The people, as well as, the cultural heritage of the country will fascinate you. Secondly, you will have the golden opportunity to explore the Asian country which upholds a blend of the modern and the ancient. You will enjoy catching a glimpse of the historically significant Tiananmen Square, the palace at the ‘Forbidden City,’ at the same time; you will have the excitement of viewing the skyscraper-studded financial center. 
 English Teachers In china

Teach earn and explore

You might have dreamt of catching a sight of the Great Wall; but now that you are going to Teach English in China, the long-cherished dream will turn into a reality. Before taking the plunge, you would also like to inquire, in depth, about your placement and prospects. Above all, you would like to know how competitive your salary is going to be. The pay scale varies from region to region. If you are employed by the cities belonging to the first tier, then, you will be paid more than those belonging to the second or the third tier. While the average salary of the first tier cities ranges from seven thousand RMB to thirty, thousand RMB; the salary bracket of the second tier cities ranges from eight thousand to twelve, thousand RMB. 

You can save substantially

If you get a placement in any of the third tier cities, your pay scale will not be more than nine thousand RMB. The range which starts from four thousand RMB doesn’t exceed nine to ten thousand RMB. But, there is one thing that you will like to note about the living cost in this country. The living conditions including the food and the lodging facilities are cheap and affordable. Since the living costs are lower than usual, you can save a major part of what you are going to earn as the salary. Some of the academic institutions are also found offering housing facilities including allowance, as part of their contract. 

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Contractual terms are uniquely different

You will have to sign a contract with the institution that gives you employment. The contract that is given varies from institution to institution. Agreements offered by public schools are different from those offered by the Baccalaureate schools. Similarly, the private international institutions will bind you to terms and conditions which they are governed by. Now that you have a hang of the potential and possibilities, you will not fear to use your qualification and go hunting for jobs. 
