What Are The Things You Need to Know Before Teaching English in China

Having plans to move to China and teach English? This is one of the best decisions that you have taken. There is no dearth for the right opportunities for the right candidate. There is a very large demand for English teachers in China.

But before Teaching English in Beijing or any other place in China there are some important things that you must know. Here are the things that one needs to know before they opt to become an English teacher in China.

Check if you have the right qualification:

If you want to get the best job offers then along with the Bachelor’s degree you also need to have the TEFL certification. It is mandatory to complete some minimum number of hours in order to get the best opportunity.

You need to have the Z visa:

If you want to teach in China then you have to apply for the Z visa. There are some people who do teach in China without the Z visa but this is illegal and you can land in deep trouble. Therefore, it is better to make sure that you apply for the Z visa.

Culture in the classroom and the workplace is different:

The classrooms in China are different from that of western countries. Here the students will not question you upfront as it is considered as disrespectful. Workplace culture is also different and here you need to give respect to those with authority.

Low living costs:

One of the major advantages that you will have here in China is that the cost of living in China is less as compared to western countries. This means that you will be able to save a lot of money. Yes, but major cities like Beijing and Shanghai will be a little bit more expensive. But the salaries and the perks will be good enough.

It is better to learn the Chinese language:

It is not that you cannot live in China if you do not know the Chinese language. But if you do learn the language then it will surely be one of the biggest advantages. You will be able to interact with the locals and your life will become a lot easier.

These are some of the things that you must know if you want to teach English in China. Now the next important thing that you will be interested in knowing is how to find the right English teaching job in China. This can be easy if you connect with the people.teachinchina.cn is one of the best portals from where you can be rest assured to get the best job offers. You need to register and create your profile. The portal will then update you with the best job opportunities. They are also known to provide the best guidance and assistance that one needs. You can ask them all the queries that you have and they will make sure that they provide the best assistance.
