How to do jobs teaching English in China?

So you have planned to take your teaching endeavor to the next level? You want to travel to China and start contributing to a new society and groups of people. That’s certainly an ambitious idea and we want to congratulate you for being at the right place. At Teach in China, we help people around the globe to realize their career goal of teaching in China. Currently, China is the biggest market in the world for native English teachers. Although the country has enormous resources in form of labor and manpower, and the country certainly stands tall in terms of future growth prospects, there aren’t many well educated English teachers who could train the youth. As you probably know by now that right from the beginning, China has always paid more attention towards the popularization of its national language ‘Mandarin’ and most newspapers and other media formats are designed in mandarin. This gives the English language too less scope for growth. Right since childhood, students are habituated with the study of Chinese rather than English. These factors have contributed to the lack of adequate English teachers in the country. If you wish to start your career in China, you’ll receive a fabulous reception here. But how can you get a teaching job in China?

Teaching English China

Getting a job
Most schools are looking for native speakers who can teach the English language to their students. There are multiple opportunities for teaching English China. But the real catch is securing a job. In case you aren’t sure where to start, you might want to start contacting the local agents who can help you land a teaching English China job. For instance, Teach in China can prove helpful to you. We have tie-ups with several reputed institutions that can help you get a teaching assignment in China. But before you head on to the country and look for the job, you must be aware of the qualifications expected from you.

Teaching English China

Legal matters
Depending on the city you choose as your destination for continuing your English tutoring endeavors, you might need to be eligible for application. In this regard, it is important to know that without the Z Visa, you won’t be allowed to join any institution for providing your teaching services. And for securing the Z Visa, you must hold a graduation degree and English should be your native language. In addition to that, if you choose to teach in any of the bigger cities in the country, you will need at least 2 years of teaching experience before been granted the Z Visa. Those who don’t have this much experience might want to apply for teaching jobs in a low profile city. The demand is high in all parts of the country. SO you wouldn’t face many difficulties to land a teaching job.

Teaching English China

Where to teach?

Now the most important thing you need to decide is whether you want to teach in public or private schools. You might also want to teach in language academies. The timings and the salary structure shall vary in all these cases. Choose whatever suits you.
