Best volunteer English teachers in China

English teachers have always been in demand in China for the language is the official language of communication across the globe. Even though China as a country gives a significant amount of importance to its native language and regional languages, yet the ultimate language needed for global interaction and communication is English.

Teach English China

Over the years, with the increase in demand of English teachers, a concept of volunteer teachers in China is also coming up. A volunteer teacher can volunteer to teach the students English language for a fixed period and in return gets benefits and have the option to explore the profession of teaching as a long-term career.

Why is there a need of volunteer teachers in China?

Teaching as a profession is facing a downfall in China for numerous reasons like low pay, no incentives, long working hours etc. Hence, the youth of China is reluctant to contribute to the country by taking up teaching as a profession. To inculcate the same, various programs are being offered, one of which is to volunteer as a teacher so that the students can explore their passion about teaching and later choose this path for their long-term career.

Teaching English China

Another important factor is that the volunteers have to spend a specific time with students that inculcate critical thinking into themselves as well. They learn new things about themselves, which they haven't figured out yet, making it a wonderful option to volunteer. Usually, even if there is less stipend, pick and drop, food, accommodation is usually taken by the school/institution who have accepted their offer to volunteer. So, not much is spent into logistics.

 Advantages of being a volunteer for English teaching
1.     Choose your destination
Since volunteering is usually done for a specific time, volunteers have the luxury to choose whether they want to volunteer in an orphanage, a public school, or some schools of the mountains. Straight away speaking, along with volunteering, the individual has enough time to travel, visit new places and find the right passion.

Teaching Jobs in China

2. Low Cost
The cost of volunteering contributed by the volunteer is minimum since food, accommodation, and basic pick and the institution itself arranges to drop because the volunteering period is a fixed period. Everything is arranged for the volunteer before he/she arrives.

3. Traveling
Another wonderful factor of volunteer teaching is that you get to take students for field trips. This solves the purpose of your traveling and as well as your passion to teach. Volunteers get a chance to travel on the cost of school/institution and take children out to explore their soul as well.

Teach English in China

Choose teach china for volunteering!

You can always visit teach China to register yourself for volunteering as a teacher for the English language. We have a list of institutes and schools we are contacting with, we offer a platform to the volunteers to contact them and connect with them for a fixed period for volunteering. Teachchina provides full time and part-time volunteer contracts as well. 
