What Is It Really Like Teaching English In China?

The second most populous country in the world with its culture and tradition welcomes native English teachers and has created a pool of jobs for them. Thanks to the economic growth and technological advancements that the need for English teachers in China is greater than before. Being a diverse land, you might not really fathom what it is like living in this country. With a cultural fabric that is unique, every classroom creates a different experience for a teacher. Initially, the student engagement can be tough as you will not make out what they need and expect from an English language teacher. Learn the language of the region in which you happen to teach.

Teaching English China

Norms of high school

For a vast majority of students, life in high school is centred on a strict regimen of studies. It seems that there is no place for imagination so you have to master the tactics as a teacher in the school. There are different exercises that you can carry out in the class to make it a bit exciting for the students and allow them to come out of the circle of studies. Ask each student to imagine their favourite animation characters to enact the role inside the class. To teach English china, you can also talk to them about the hugely popular Harry Potter and know their opinion. Try to make the homework exercises different to initiate interest in the students.

Pulling your hair

When you start teaching in China, the kind of response that you may get from different classes can keep you on the toes. To get a response from every student in the class can change your approach of teaching the language. Majority of your efforts must focus on activities that encourage student participation and chances are that you will come to know a lot about the cultural difference in this country. To know more about the ways you should follow, to teach English china, you can try to get in touch with http://www.teachinchina.cn/teach-english-in-china/and get better classifications of the jobs and how to handle them precisely. Even though it feels like pulling your hair initially you will gradually get the confidence which is required to teach in schools.

Do not panic

A lot of teachers seem to go through a rough patch initially. Not understanding the language is one of the major obstacles and the textbooks are far too boring than you can ever think. However, there is no need to panic or give up hope as there are better series as well that can add zeal to your teaching.

Teaching English China

Getting them talking

Perhaps the worst thing is to get the students talking after you teach a lesson. If they do not react you will not understand whether they have grasped the points you have made in the class. It may not be easy but there are different exercises and fun things that you can apply for the students to rely on your style of teaching. You have to make your teaching interactive and make it like real life to enhance the level of understanding.
