How Woman Plays a Major role in Teaching English in China?

Teacher and gender are gaining an enhanced attention in fields of education. Hence, to learn a language one must have the background and ability for communicating the intricacies of the subject. With studies that had been conducted in the past it has been revealed that women can attentively listen and are better listeners as far as languages are concerned. Role of a teacher is to make use of the presentations and classroom instructions so that concepts can be applied easily. The profession is multifaceted and there are vital responsibilities shouldered by a teacher. It is always the criterion of a student to choose the teacher however a woman teacher plays a major role in teaching the language in China and this is how.

Teaching English in China

Hardworking and third parent

Women have been teaching English in China through portals like and have a major role to play because they are like the third parent to the students. They do much more than executing and planning lessons. In a particular sense, women teachers are very hard working and spend quality time with students, thus becoming role models that are positive. For children lacking certain skills a female teacher strive towards making them perform in better ways. They understand a voice tone and find meanings in the softness as well as loudness of any speech. In fact females have long been believed to have natural prowess for word playing utilizing various languages.

Teaching English in China

More gentle

When women are appointed for teaching English in China, they are appointed only because they are considered to be gentler to children. It is due to this that in the kindergarten institutions as well as primary schools you shall find the dominance of women teachers because they are caring and have a motherly instinct at educating kids. Children find them to be mother figures and since they are gentle in their actions, the likeability factor draws children to be educated by female teachers. Since, women are polite students are at ease in asking questions while they are learning a language. Just like mothers make the best teachers when children are growing up similarly female teachers are extensions of mothers, at institutions.

Teaching English in China

Correct usage and pronunciation

For Chinese children to speak the English words effectively and eloquently, a female teacher helps a great deal in teaching the correct usage. Women are natural communicators who teach the dialects well by stressing on any word’s alphabet. They teach well because they can clearly understand as to who has understood in a class with big strength of students as well as who hasn’t. Women teachers work with community members and set obtainable standards that are clear. They help in a student’s decision making so that they are well able to tackle the problems.

Difficulties are not obstacles difficulties anymore!

With more and more women teachers that are being appointed by Chinese institutions, the learning process has become a smooth one. There are many volunteer teachers that have helped a great deal in educating students besides making them value the importance of learning languages.
