Can Someone Really Make Money By Teaching English in China?
Getting to travel and simultaneously make money by educating young students is one of the magical things which are both rewarding and satisfying. You also get to meet exotic natives from various mystic lands. You can take a cue from any site where you can post reviews to ask if anyone teaches there. This will make you get a rough picture, or you could also submit your resume to any portal that deals with international services of education in China. There are many schools from the public and private category to even international schools. Therefore you should always find any to work with a good pay scale. Here are points that shall prove that you can earn money while teaching there.

The high schools

If you look forward to Teach English China, then some authorities usually demand post masters two years experience, but you shall be anyway trained. If you are working in a high school, then you might just have to teach English orally. All you have to do is keep students happy, stimulate their interests and enhance their involvement in lessons. The class duration is usually a little more than forty minutes. You will get weekends off and might have to teach different classes per day which would start by early morning seven to eight in the evening. If one is a certified teacher, they might earn somewhere around eight thousand renminbi which is almost thirteen dollars to a twenty renminbi.
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Learning centers

If you apply for Teaching English in China via the then after selection of your resume you may have to teach in learning centers. The work duration usually is about nine pm to five pm. There could be evening classes also that shall start at five pm to eight pm. At the learning centers, the strength of students is much lesser and if you are slightly experienced this shall be less demanding for you. If you hold no experience to teach then also you do not have to fret as one can easily earn somewhere around more than nine hundred dollars to two thousand five hundred dollars which are fifteen thousand RMB.


Teaching a Chinese kindergarten can be the best bet and suit you if you are on travelling and blogging schedule. A total of around four to six classes for thirty minutes duration is all you can expect. One is entitled to enjoy a ten-minute recess break too. The afternoons are mostly off. However, you might have to stay up until six p.m. during the weekdays. It entails a lot of fun, frolic, and games with the young souls.

Expected salary

As discussed wages above if you are TEFL certified or inexperienced you may earn well. There is just one thing which is the principal driving source for getting the desired money you want, and that is the fact that the more you are teaching you shall be eventually earning more. A foreign teacher who is well experienced will make somewhere around more than two thousand two hundred dollars or maybe even more. You could also engage in private teaching to make side bucks. There are also seasonal teachers where you can look for working in both winters and summers.
