What does a person need to teach English in China?

 Teaching English in Beijing
In the present scenario, the Chinese government is encouraging inmates to learn English. As a result, more and more learners are coming forward to muster the foreign language. The prospect, in turn, has paved the way for the influx and employment of the native speakers of the language. If you have a flair for tutoring, and if you happen to be a native speaker, you can try your luck in the Asian country where the ESL job market is on a booming spree. But before taking the plunge, make sure that you fulfill the following criterion

Get the visa

In the case, you are keen on Teaching English China; you can get in touch with the www.teachinchina.cn/all-jobs.  If you log into the portal, you will find out the guidelines prescribed for employment. From the guidelines, you will come to know the least minimum specifications which you have to meet. Unless you have the Z category of working visa, you cannot think of starting your journey. So, for going to the country and serving there as the foreign language teacher, make sure that you have the required visa. You will also require a passport; the document should ensure that you are a citizen of one of the following countries. 
Teaching English in Beijing

Complete your bachelor’s education

Yes, unless you belong to United States of America, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or Ireland, you cannot involve yourself in Teaching English in Beijing. The next condition to fulfill relates to your academic qualification. To take up an assignment, you must have a bachelor’s degree or a diploma. You should have the certificate that accredits and approves of your bachelor’s level of education. Even if you have completed post graduation or master’s, you must have the bachelor’s certification ready. 

TEFL certification is a must
To get the Z category of the working visa, it is mandatory to have the TEFL certification. As one of the prospective applicants, you will like to know from where to acquire this certificate. There are providers of different types, but irrespective of the source which you approach, the document should certify that you have undergone at least, one hundred and twenty hours of training. You can also approach one of the online avenues for acquiring this certification. Once you seek appointment in school or a foreign language teaching center, it will verify your credential. So, if you have been accredited with online training, make sure that the certificate is verifiable. 

In a nutshell
Basically, you need the passport, Z category of working visa, bachelors and the TEFL certification. In addition, you must belong to one of the countries where English is used as a native language.  As one of the promising teachers, ensure that you have the mentioned documents so that you can start applying for jobs. You already know that the job market meant for the English teachers is on a spree of expansion. So, you can have an enjoyable time earning and saving. Besides, you will love exploring the treasures and diversity of the world’s oldest civilization. 

