English teaching jobs opportunities in China in the different fields

If you are looking for work, and speak good English, even if you have no background by native speakers, the Chinese might be for you. Since the Party has decided that the Chinese must know English, no matter at what level, the demand for teachers is literally exploded. They need it in elementary schools, junior high, high schools, trade schools, even in those sports, and sometimes even in kindergartens, without forgetting the universities, faculties without exception.

The fact that teach English in China classes have not yet been introduced in all schools of the country depends on a side of Beijing's inability to distribute the same time an amount of funds sufficient to all regions of the country to cover the new language needs, from ' another impossibility of finding, in such a short time, an adequate number of teachers. That's why, in order to please the government, many schools have decided to scale down its expectations, giving the opportunity for many non-English boys but with a good command of English to find work in the People's Republic.

From the point of view of a stranger, in fact, the choice to cover these professorships with staff not necessarily native English speakers is a huge advantage, because in general in China are all convinced that, regardless of nationality, a foreigner is still more clever a local when it comes to helping children and adults to become familiar with a language so different.

This idea has transformed the market for language teachers in the Middle Kingdom in a gold mine , and the beauty is that the authorities believe is so important to carry out this "English revolution" to have even agreed to streamline procedures for granting of visas to teachers. Moreover, with salaries rather generous (ranging between one thousand and two thousand Euros per month, a heritage in rural areas of the country, where today there is the highest shortage of teachers), this question explosion was at least predictable.

Officially, in order to work in China, a foreigner must possess a work permit to work as well as what is commonly known as "Z Visa". While some companies in China (especially small local businesses, Chinese and some English schools) may employ foreigners without the Z visa or work permit, you should always insist on what he has. Both the work permit and Z visa can only be guaranteed by a society conducive to employment within China.

Find a teaching job in China can be helped by the value and quality of their personal network. In China, this is known as "guanxi"; the personal relationship between people is a fundamental part of our way of doing business. Unlike the US, where you can send an unsolicited resume to a company or pick up the phone and cold calling for an appointment, in China, time must be spent to develop a relationship of trust and a company representative and only then use that connection to the network for a job. This promotes growth and healthy relationship with the clients. 
